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6 Benefits for plumbing companies to get reviews online

Michelle Joe594 07-May-2019

6 Benefits for plumbing companies to get reviews online

Internet marketing and getting online reviews for a plumbing company might seem like a useless thing at first. It is partially because of the social setup of our societies where a job as important as plumbing is taken for granted. However, if you are a plumber or running any related company, you must be aware of the value of online marketing for your business.

Even more than the benefits of online marketing are the innumerable advantages that come with customer reviews. People only believe in what they hear about your business and thus decide to choose you or not. Nothing can better tell about a business than the honest reviews it gets from people who entrusted it. According to Sherry Bonelli of Geo Marketing, approximately 56 percent of the total customers of business comes from its positive reviews.

  6 Benefits for plumbing companies to get reviews online


This advocates the intensity of the extent to which the review management for plumbing companies is necessary. Here are 6 benefits of online reviews for the plumbing businesses. These points emphasize on the importance of reviews to stand out in a market with populated competition.

Reviews are your advertisements running for free

Every review your customer post online is a source of your advertisement to more and more people. Every review contributes to your audience’s growth and also to your marketing for people who had no idea about you. The more reviews you get, the more is the chance of your business to be displayed on top in search results. These online reviews can do more for your business than any other media source would ever do. The greatest benefit of these is that you can get your business advertised among massed for free. In the case of the online review being your advertisement, you do not even need to put in the effort to get a proper ad made.

Peer recommendations are always valued

The value of real customer reviews is of more value than anything when it comes to trusting a brand. Consumers are likely to trust peer reviews more than celebrity based ads while investing their money. The peer reviews from their friends and family are always on the top. However, in cases where online reviews for a business are available, people seem to emphasize over them too.

Nielsen surveyed in 2015 in order to find out the usefulness of online reviews. Their study was conducted on 30,000 people from 58 different countries. The results show that 83% of people were likely to trust on the reviews and recommendations from their peers. Moreover, in cases when friend and family cannot help, 70% of people agreed to trust the online posted opinions too.

Reviews can help improve your business

This is one of the most underrated benefits of reviews for any business. A critical analysis of the reviews you get can help you achieve a lot more in the plumbing world. Online reviews, be they positive or negative, can help you improve your business. Good reviews can tell you what your positive sides are. Following the ideas and suggestion presented by real customers, you can improve more on your stronger sides. Even when they are negative, reviews always come with some usefulness for you. Negative reviews can tell you which areas you have to put more efforts in. Therefore, a business must be welcoming to all kinds of reviews and must pay heed to what the consumers say. It is through the reviews that your business flourished in all the ways possible only if you value them seriously.

Reviews improve landing page conversions

The purpose behind marketing any business online is to get an improved conversion rate. Your plumbing business will be surely impacted by how many times its rankings are clicked on, how much of your blogs are read, etc. The online reviews help in getting these all noticed more by enhancing the landing page conversions. An online study asked people to choose between two different local businesses based on their online reviews. One business had been reviewed by random consumers while the other was not. The results showed that 83% of people preferred the business with the users’ reviews on its page. Moreover, 15% of people were of the opinion that a business without reviews is not at all worth their trust.

Reviews can build Your trust among your customers

Negative reviews often arise from a customer’s bad experience or some other issues that are easily resolvable. When you get a bad review, instead of wasting your time lamenting over it, or blaming customer, you must analyze it. Take this as an opportunity for you to resolve the issue and gain the customer's appreciation in no time again. Sometimes, customers do not post a negative online review and just privately let you know about their bad experience. In such cases resolving the issue can get you more fame since the customers is most likely to share their uniquely good experience with everyone online afterward.

Reviews can bring the businesses closer to their consumers

There is a chance of you not knowing your consumers in person at all, but reviews can make it possible for you to some extent. The kind of reviews you get online can tell a lot about what kind of people are interested in your products and services. The reviews can reveal a lot about their social status, educational background, and even likes and dislikes. This information can be used as a tool to attract them more towards yourself. You must introduce offers and services that can attract your potential customers and keep your rates according to what will suit them. Moreover, you can also design your advertisements keeping in mind what will be interesting to them.


To conclude, it can be said that the value of online reviews must be recognized, irrespective of the size of your business. These are your keys to win the competition in a market where the choices are plenty, but good ones are scanty.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
Author Bio: About Michelle Joe: Michelle Joe is a blogger by choice. She loves to discover the world around her. She likes to share her discoveries, experiences, and express herself through her blogs. You can find her on twitter: @michellejoe524

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